Powder: Winter is Coming

Just about the time you’re worn out on the Downhill Mountain Bike Park at Powderhorn Mountain Resort, it’s time to ramp up for ski season! Time to get those quads in shape and get your season passes. Prices increase the closer we get to opening day, so bite the bullet and make the investment. Get your 2017-2018 Season Passes now at the Powderhorn Mountain Resort office at Home Loan State Bank, 205 N. 4th St, GJ, CO 81501 or online at powderhorn.com


Home Loan Business League Without a doubt, the best networking event in western Colorado is the Home Loan Business League Ski & Snowboard races at Powderhorn Mountain Resort. Businesses and organizations from across the valley host teams that meet every other Friday to race against each other. Big kids get to act like little kids with a slalom course, gates, timers and even an announcer! Prizes include gift cards to the bar and tons of swag, but the real prize is bragging rights, of course! There’s trash talking and beer drinking and even a few spandex ski suits from those that take themselves a bit too seriously. And before you start thinking that you’re not fast enough- teams are made up of skiers of all backgrounds. No experience necessary.