True Grit Connection: Green Chile Stew
When I was told that the theme for the magazine this fall was “gather,” I immediately thought of the many family gatherings that I had as a child. My uncle Stretch (Dan McGirr) frequently cooked at family gatherings. On more than one occasion, he cooked up a big pot of green chile stew.
It’s a funny story really, how I ended up with this recipe. You see, my Aunt Barbara (my stepfather’s sister) sent me this cookbook with recipes from Ridgway about five years ago. Around the same time, I inherited — from my uncle Stretch — a bunch of cookbooks, a big metal bowl and a well-used chef’s knife missing the very tip.
As I looked through the recipe book that Barbara sent me, I noticed that there was a recipe for Green Chile Stew from the True Grit cafe. I asked my mom, “Hey, didn’t Stretch work at the True Grit for a long time?” The answer was yes, for many years he was the cook. I was so excited to try this recipe and see if it was the green chile stew from my childhood. It was!
This recipe, taken from that cookbook and pared down so that we don’t make enough for a restaurant, was what I remembered — and it’s perfect for a quick, but delicious, family gathering.
It takes about 30 minutes to prepare and another hour to cook. Have a margarita while everyone is waiting.
3 cups diced potatoes
2 large onions, diced
2 medium carrots, diced
2.5 pounds roasted green chilies, diced (about 5 cups)
2.5 pounds canned tomatoes (about 5 cups)
1 1/4 pounds diced pork
4 cups water plus 1 tsp chicken base, or 4 cups chicken stock
2 minced garlic cloves
1 bay leaf
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp red chili flakes
1/2 tsp black ground pepper
1/2 tsp salt (or more to taste)
Place onion, garlic, carrots and pork in a Dutch oven or soup pot with a little oil and sear the meat over medium-high heat. When meat is seared and onions are sweating, add the rest of the ingredients. Once boiling, turn the heat to low and simmer one hour. Make sure the potatoes and carrots are tender.
8 oz tequila blanco
8 oz lime juice
4 oz Cointreau
4 oz agave nectar
Stir together in a pitcher, and serve in salt-rimmed glasses with lots of ice.
Photos by Kitty Nicholason
Originally published in the Fall 2021 issue of Spoke+Blossom.