Gili Gear: Eco-Friendly Waterway Essentials
In the ethical commerce and sustainability world, discovering Gili Gear from Colorado sparks my curiosity. Initially met with a casual nod of approval, the mesh outdoor gear products reveal themselves to be much more than expected upon closer inspection. I now realize the exceptional nature of Gili Gear.
Derek Redd was a resourceful youngster. When unable to find what he desired, he handcrafted duffle bags. This paved the way for Gili Gear’s inception, with each item designed like a salmon swimming upstream, persistently and intelligently overcoming challenges. Gili Gear’s journey began in 2015 on the rugged coastline of Gili Air, Indonesia, with excitement and reverence for nature.
I am struck by the truth of Redd’s desire to create an eco-friendly line. Anchored with the brand values of environmental, ethical and social responsibility, their sustainable products and recurring contributions to six water-focused nonprofit organizations underscore a dedication to making a positive impact.
Photo courtesy of Gili Gear
After six months of Edwards, Colorado, garage production, Gili Gear partnered with a B-certified Colorado manufacturer and a North Carolina distributor to bring their vision to life — and 22 countries (so far). What started as a quest for personal gear blossomed into a full-fledged eco-friendly brand, offering a wide range of products suited for adventure, sport and travel. Where outdoor gear is subjected to the rigors of transportation, sunshine and sand, durability is paramount — yet many fall short.
Driving behind a garbage truck isn’t the most appealing sight, but one special day on the way back from Shoshone Rapids, it smelled sweet. Gili fabric is born from the unlikely source of vinyl-coating poly yarn remnants, repurposed from utility bed covers and weaving machines. With antimicrobial, stain and odor-resistant properties, each spool of yarn is a unique result of this process, woven into limited runs of 10-20 bags per color combination.
Gili’s commitment to sustainability shines through in their repurposed materials and spacious designs, from duffles to gear cubes and more. Whether it’s the roll-top drag bag, slings or eco-zip totes, they provide practical solutions with style while the mesh fabric keeps gear dry and odor-free, even in damp conditions.
From whitewater rapids to dive depths, Gili Gear recently launched the Gili Backpack ($115) at the 2023 Gauley Fest. When you need an extra hand to haul your gear, Gili’s got your back with its equal weight-bearing pack, featuring fixed waterproof material on the back and bottom to prevent soaking your back and car seat. Watch for it on the backs of the USA Freestyle Kayaking team.
For an adventurous inventor, the prototype quest never ends. Eager to unveil his latest creations, Redd recently crafted a mesh bimini for personal use — a brilliant solution that neither catches the wind nor obstructs the sunshine. Mass production remains a challenge due to unique boat nuances, yet innovation is clearly his forte, and Redd always has a trick up his sleeve.
In terms of simplicity, durability and price, Gili Gear can’t be beaten. As an active woman relying on her SUV’s tub system for fast, easy access (eight sports and counting in the gear garage), Gili makes me rethink my system with no signs of fade or ravel, thanks to the UV coating and french seams.
Scout out Gili Gear on PADI’s online platform, at dive trade exhibitions or local outlets like Denver Divers and the Vail Farmers Market & Art Show, with plans underway to extend availability to additional Western Colorado stores.