Adventure Spotlight: Lizard Head Cycling Guides


Since 2008, Lizard Head Cycling Guides has provided vehicle-supported road and mountain bike tours through some of the wildest, most beautiful and least accessible areas in the American West and around North America. 

 On one of their cycling adventures, guests can expect to sleep in beautiful lodges, enjoy desert spas and camp beneath the stars. 

 “We get a huge kick out of finding the best local food options and tend to blow our clients away with our meals on tour,” says Peter O'Donnell, office manager. “We are first and foremost cyclists, so all of our tours are focused on finding the best riding.”

Whether you're a seasoned rider with thousands of miles under your belt or simply looking for a fun vacation with your children, Lizard Head Cycling Guides pride themselves on creating tours that are fun for all riders.   

Spoke+Blossom: How does an adventure experience with Lizard Head Cycling Guides provide a unique experience in Western Colorado?

In case you were wondering, our unusual company name comes from the striking tower of 13,000-foot Lizard Head Peak in the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado.

We’re headquartered in the village of Ophir high in the Colorado Rockies at 9,900-feet. Western Colorado is our backyard and favorite place on earth. We cannot wait to show it off, and with our guides' decades of experience leading tours here, we are uniquely suited to show you the hidden treasures of the western slope.  

S+B: What would you say are some of the benefits of going on a guided adventure with Lizard Head Cycling Guides, rather than on your own?  

One of our guiding principles is “Sourcing the Best of the West.” On each Lizard Head Cycling tour we have chosen our favorite restaurants, undiscovered MTB trails, quiet, car-free, scenic by-ways and eclectic lodges. There is only so much you can learn by googling your destination. With an experienced team of guides and support vehicle in tow, you can venture further into the backcountry, experience small towns like a local and rest easy knowing every last detail has been taken care of. You can focus on riding your bike and spending time with your fellow riders. In short, the benefit of using your vacation time for a guided adventure is you actually get a vacation.   

S+B: Anything else you’d like to add about Lizard Head Cycling Guides and the experiences you offer?

We are a cyclist centric outfit that strives to deliver authentic tours. We prefer remote landscapes with little traffic and big scenery. As a result, the cyclists attracted to our company seek a sense of adventure. Our itineraries offer a higher degree of challenge than what is generally offered on bike tours. At the same time, we are known for our ability to seamlessly offer varying mileage options for both the E.F.I. (every freaking inch) cyclist and intermediates. Either way, everyone wins. No matter the range of abilities in your group, we pride ourselves on our ability to make the routes the right amount of challenge for every rider.

S+B: What is the best way to book a trip with Lizard Head Cycling Guides?  

Simply visit and explore our tours. You can book online! If you're unsure what tour is right for you, email and we will gladly discuss our different itineraries as well as our custom tours.  

This spotlight is a sponsored partnership.

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